Introducing our Strength and Muscle Program


Crafted by our coaches, our Strength and Muscle Program is a 6-week periodised program that is a mix between strength training and bodybuilding. It’s designed to build muscle and get you strong while being suitable for complete beginners to advanced lifters.

What is it?

  • 6-week periodised strength and muscle-building program

  • 5-days a week with a focus on a different body part each day

  • Record each session in our app to see progress and track gains

  • Coached in a group environment with classes capped at 12 people

  • No cardio, no gymnastics. All strength, all muscle.

Who is it for?

Everyone! From beginners to elite athletes. If your goal is:

  • To get strong

  • Build muscle

This is for you!

How much is it?

It's $79.55 per week. Our full membership gives you unlimited access to:

  • All classes offered on our timetable at both CrossFit Coogee and CrossFit Maroubra.

  • Outdoor Cardio Sessions

  • Open Gym Access

  • Unlimited ice bath and sauna use at CrossFit Maroubra


Check out our timetable here to see weekly class times.

Terms & Conditions

There is an initial 4-week commitment. This is for those who are serious about getting stronger. We have strong demand for this program each season and limited spaces available so be sure to book in your trial now to get started.